Monday, June 14, 2010

23 Things Not To Write In An E-mail (NPR cross posting)

I try hard to focus this blog on the life of a celiac in professional, casual, intimate, and networking societies.
Here is something that is for all celiac or non-celiacs.

23 Things Not To Write In An E-mail NPR link

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I grew up with HONEY, for tea, for sore throats, for allergies

Everyone is trying to find ways to cut sugar and stay healthy.
Go natural and be better for it.
Honey, something that I have always favored is not a substitute for everything. Though I argue there is nothing like a cup of tea with a teaspoon of honey. Delicious.

Well here is a an article regarding the healing properties of honey. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Beat the Summer heat

I got a new hand wand smoothie maker and BANANAS beware!!!

8 oz unsweetened almond milk
2 medium small bananas
1 teaspoon cocoa powder ( I suppose Hershey syrup is GF so you could do that too and skip the agave)
2 teas agave nectar
2 small GF chocolate chip cookies
(yes I know.. naughty, but I haven't had a cookie with ice cream anything in ten years)
half a tray of ice cubes...

put the almond milk and ice cubes in the container in which you which to blend or mix your drink.
Let sit for a few minutes.. This chills the milk much more and means the cubs when made to chips won't melt as fast when the drink is done.
then add two bananas, the cocoa powder and agave, or Hershey syrup, which ever you find suits you, and last the cookies.. other wise they get pulverized too much.
Also, the cookies two the size of half dollars, add thickness to the already thick banana smoosh... so it is for texture.

*GF - Gluten Free