Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Zucchini Fritters with FAGE Total Greek Yogurt

Zucchini Fritters with FAGE Total Greek Yogurt
Of course, use some great Gluten Free bread crumbs... I think you will find this recipe a tasty treat for mini sized mouth-poppables, or hearty dinner fritters.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Gluten Free - the way to be! Bakery recommendation

The Rustic Kitchen


AWESOME GLUTEN FREE OAT CHIP COOKIES. attained at the New Moon coffee house. NUMMY~!

Gluten Free Summer soothers, cocktails etc

I was looking at a recipe;
Lynchburg Lemonade
1 part Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey
1 part triple Sec (edited in Grand Marnier)
1 part sour mix
Stir in 4 parts lemon/lime soda
to be garnished with fresh lemon
... well that sounds refreshing!
Then it occurred to me, Triple Sec... is it gluten free? I know Jack Daniel's actually tests their batches for gluten. So I feel safe there, but Triple Sec, I do recall being warned about that!

I should find out.

So, here is a website I have so far found to be reliable. I am not of the belief, nor is my body that all alcohol is gluten free, as some tout the gluten is distilled out, I think we can agree, that our bodies know best.. and three days of gross writhing in agony tells me NAH, not all distillery processes gain gluten free status. So,
Gluten free alcohol
Good to know. here's to you [ clink] Enjoy your summer cocktails

Tennessee Tea
1 1 part Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey
1 part triple Sec
1 part sour mix
2 parts cola (Coca-Cola is gluten free) not all colas are.

Now you should also know, the Jack Daniel's Mustard is gluten free, and tastes great on the brats that you had grilling on the gluten free grill.